A good CV is the difference between a dream job and the last option for most job positions. However, if your CV game is lacking, you may find yourself waiting weeks, if not months, for a response.
You are probably wondering how to write a CV that gets you daily invitations to interviews from HR managers. This article outlines all the recent trends in CV writing for the year 2022.
How to write your CV the right way?
Creating your CV should be an exercise in balancing style and substance. It will help to include the most essential details without overloading the reader with too many words.
This is not always simple, especially when you've had a long and successful career, but there are efficient ways.
Allow your design to focus on minimalism to achieve this. Do not overcrowd the template with design elements or images, as this will draw attention away from the essential point: your qualifications and expertise.
New trends in CV writing.
Simply focus on these recent trends in CV writing when creating your document:
Maintain the right balance of white space and text.
- Limit the length to 1-2 pages.
- Use a size 12 font that is readable.
- Use a neutral colour to keep things interesting.
- Separate everything into distinct sections.
Make your header bold and legible.
Utilising a bolder font for your name and a double-ruled line is best to distinguish your contact information from your CV material.
What font should I use for my CV?
Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier are three fonts for your CV. Avoid choosing ornate typefaces such as Broadway or Magneto. When writing a CV, one of your main objectives is to make it simple to read. This is accomplished by using a simple, traditional font.
How about your physical address?
Modern CV writers exclude their physical street addresses. However, email and telephone contact development has virtually eliminated the necessity to provide your physical address to a recruiter.
Applicants who are intending to relocate for work frequently mention their current mailing address, but you can opt whether or not to include one.
It is a good idea to brag about your accomplishments!
According to the recent trends in CV writing, before you begin writing, curate your material to write your most outstanding talents and achievements from your CV, regardless of which CV design you choose. Although crafting a strong CV might indeed take hours, studies show that recruiters and hiring managers only spend a portion of that time analysing your work. Therefore, do your best!
Craft a killer professional summary.
A professional summary appears beneath your header at the top of your CV. Its goal is to give a recruiter a quick overview of your skills and experience. Finally, a well-written professional summary must describe what you will contribute to the table if you are hired.
You must write your professional summary in the third person. It should include a brief explanation of who you are.
According to the latest CV trends, summaries should be brief and short (no more than three to five sentences). The goal is to pique the HR interest and make them want to read the rest of your CV. Do not tell the complete tale of your life.
Always remember that skills pay the bills!
The new trends in CV writing always suggest you try to incorporate the talents that the job description emphasizes (but only if you have those skills). Hard talents (such as software or technological expertise) and soft skills are common additions to CVs (like communication skills or time management skills).
How far back does your CV go?
The usual rule is to include all relevant employment when it comes to the work history/experience portion of a CV. For example, you can remove your first employment from your CV if you have more than a decade of experience in your sector.
Keep track of how many pages there are!
For every ten years of experience, add one page to your CV. Even if you have a lot of experience, do not go over two pages. However, for highly experienced job searchers vying for VP/senior-level positions, a CV that exceeds two pages is not uncommon.
Make consistency a priority.
Your work experience section is jam-packed with helpful information and, depending on the CV style you choose, also jam-packed with the potential to mess up your CV's structure.
Double-check that the CV format is consistent after typing all of your previous work experience and cramming each entry with the keywords and skills you gleaned from the job post.
In the light of recent CV trends, start by double-checking that each entry has the same company name, address, and dates of employment. After that, double-check that all of your bullet points align and that all of your margins are even.
The CV format is equally as crucial as the design; keeping the formatting consistent will make it easier for a recruiter to access the information they need.
White space is not anything to be afraid of.
When choosing a CV design, go with one that includes a lot of white space. This permits the reader's eye to relax and readily search out the information they require in our CV. Do not get carried away and try to fill every line on the paper.
Always, always, always proofread.
Even a professionally designed CV cannot prevent you from a glaring error. Make no mistake: even a minor error might send your CV straight to the trash. Double-check your CV. After that, read it backwards. Then, send it to a buddy you can trust.
Complete these steps each time you prepare a CV since they alter as you tailor it to the job posting. For example, even if you want to copy and paste previously updated data into a new CV design, you should proofread it again to ensure that all of the information is transferred correctly and that all of your margins are aligned.
Mind the gaps.
Do not be scared to mention that you were laid off due to the economic slump. Or any other job gap on your CV. However, it would help if you were prepared to discuss your work experience in-between positions.
If you have been upskilling or taking classes in the interim, you can mention it in your CV or cover letter, depending on how relevant it is. If you have had to take time off due to illness, you can mention it in an interview. There is no need to disguise these gaps because a future employer will most likely comprehend them.
What should you do if COVID-19 has had an impact on your career?
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption in the economy in 2022. However, a period of idleness is unavoidable for many professionals. If you are unemployed or have recently been furloughed, your CV may need to reflect this.
However, one of the recent CV trends you may use to aid with your recovery is highlighting any abilities or credentials you achieved during the lockdown or idle time.
Remember that things will ultimately get back on track, and it is better to be over-prepared than under-prepared if there is movement in the employment market.
A strong CV will get you the job you want. Maintain a clean and basic CV design while concentrating on crafting the most appealing copy possible.
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