wSometimes called aerodynamicists, the core work of these engineers is to focus on planning tests and analysing aerophysics. They use the results of this analysis to explore the suitability of materials and design of aircraft, aerospace products and support equipment. Some aerodynamics jobs will focus on testing missiles and other defence equipment.
Job responsibilities
The responsibilities of an aerodynamics engineer include:
- Generating, calculating, documenting, and maintaining accurate performance information, based on flight test data. Often these engineers are also required to work closely with the marketing, customer service, legal and air safety departments.
- Testing and report-writing
- Presenting research to team leaders, professional bodies or clients and suppliers.
- Conducting day to day evaluation work carried out in laboratories
- Wind tunnel and flight simulator test programmes
- Aircraft configuration testing.
A specialism within aerodynamics is analysing the thermodynamic effects of stimulus on aircraft and their components. These engineers are known as thermodynamics engineers.
What qualifications will I need?
Leading employers in this market are looking for individuals with first degrees, masters degrees or PhDs in aerodynamics or mechanical engineering. They want to see solid experience of aerodynamic analysis and report. Any work experience you can gain in advance will prove very useful.
What skills will I need?
Skills that would prove beneficial in this role include:
- Excellent communication skills
- The ability to work in a team
- Project management
- Attention to detail
- Problem solving and decision making
- Creative and innovative thinking
- Strong organisational skills