By Seerat Arora 26 May 2021 6 min read

12 Perks of Working as an Airline Pilot

Pilots are regarded as nothing short of superheroes. Not only do they maneuver immense apparatus that connects us to the rest of the world, but they also keep us safe in the skies. Hence, the perks of being a pilot are well-deserved.

They’re majorly respected, and let’s be honest, their uniforms are the coolest! If you’re curious about what perks do pilots get, keep reading! 

1. The Pay

Let’s not beat around the bush, when picking a career or applying for an aviation job, the pay is a deciding factor. It is no secret that pilots get paid very generously, and the more time and experience you gain in the industry, the better the pay gets. Experienced pilots often generate six-figure incomes, because with great responsibility comes great reward!

2. The Travel

If you’ve got itchy feet and yearn to discover the world, being a pilot is probably the best and most affordable way to do it. They get to fly to every corner of the world. What else do you need?

And often they receive a few days’ breaks to discover whichever location they’re in, before flying the next plane out. The airline usually covers expenses such as accommodation, food, and return flights should they need them, and that’s the biggest advantage of being a pilot.

3. Travel Passes for Family and Friends

Whilst every airline has a different policy, it is common for family and friends of pilots to be able to travel for free or almost free with employee-issued travel passes. This means pilots can take their families or friends on a big holiday for a fraction of the price it would cost the average person. 

If you don’t want to become a pilot, consider marrying one!

Also, even after pilots retire, they usually get free travel for themselves and their loved ones for their entire lifetimes. This means that if after a life working as a pilot, you still haven’t seen enough of the world, you can keep on traveling without breaking the bank!

Most of these airline pilot perks apply to cabin crew jobs as well. If you think being a pilot is not your cup of tea, consider applying to be cabin crew.

4. Great Employment Packages and Retirement Plans

Once again, every airline has a different policy, however, for most pilots the benefits package that comes with their employment is unmatched. Being well-insured against accidents, sickness, and bereavement is becoming more and more important, and having the peace of mind of a stable retirement plan is definitely a huge perk. 

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5. A Rewarding Career

Being an airline pilot and being in charge of a plane full of hundreds of people is a huge responsibility, but also a very rewarding job. Knowing that you’re getting people from A to B, where they may be reunited with family, starting a new life, discovering their world, and fulfilling their travel dreams is an honor and makes overcoming the challenges completely worth it!

6. Flexible Schedule

Pilot schedules are famously flexible. Whilst it may take some time to reach the level of seniority to choose your flights and work your schedule, most pilots reach this stage relatively early on. Once they do, one of the major advantages of becoming a pilot is that they can get up to 2 free weeks every month to dedicate to their passions, hobbies, families, and anything else they want!

7. Great Views

As a pilot, you will always have an unbelievable view. Flying among the clouds, looking at beautiful sunsets, experiencing being above the rain, and seeing breathtaking cities and oceans from above, is a never-ending list. 

It’s an office with the best view!

8. In-Demand

Finishing your qualifications and not being able to find a job is not a problem for pilots. There’s a world shortage of qualified applicants. Not only is finding pilot jobs a lot easier, but it is also very unlikely to lose that job or get paid unfairly for it, which is common in many other industries. In today’s dynamic business world, this is probably the best advantage of being a pilot. 

9. A Unique Line of Work

Next on the list of benefits of being a pilot is that the job is unlike any other. Many pilots get a sense of freedom and power that very few other professions can provide. Being a very well-respected member of society whilst having the world as your oyster must be a fantastic feeling!

10.Children Look at You in Awe

Some think this sounds a bit silly, but being able to be an inspiration to the younger generations is among the most important perks of being an airline pilot. Children always feel excited to see a pilot board a plane, and even try and take a peek inside the cockpit. 

11. Job security

Pilots also enjoy a high level of job security. The demand for pilots is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. Over the past few years, we have seen fluctuation in the demand for various reasons. However, it is on the rise again. This is particularly true for those who are willing to work in international markets.

12. Relationships

Finally, a career as a pilot can be a great way to meet new people and make lasting friendships. Pilots often work with a team of other pilots, flight attendants, and ground crew members, and the camaraderie that develops among these groups can be very strong.


Whilst every job out there has its perks, the benefits of being a pilot are a lot more than its problems. If you’re interested in the possibility of becoming a pilot yourself, get in touch with your local flight school!
