By Jennifer Cairns 03 May 2023 6 min read

Becoming a Cadet Pilot at Cathay Pacific

Billy is now a Cadet Pilot at Cathay Pacific after training to become a Pilot after years of being in Cabin Crew. Billy has contributed to Aviation Job Search's Career Hub; read more about the start of Billy's journey now!


Everybody has a dream or an ambition of some sort. Mine was to apply for pilot jobs and work for the flag carrier of my city.

I always thought it was for the privileged and wealthy. That it can only be achieved by a selected few. Only for ones who do not have to worry about time, money or a quality education.

But I stand corrected by myself.

One thing is certain; it isn’t easy to make some dreams come true or to chase an ambition.

But there’s a formula that I never gave up on and it is 'Dedication, Motivation and Discipline'. Add these together and your end result is satisfaction brought by success.

It took me a significant amount of time, effort and endless amounts of passion and dedication but I’m happy to say it was all worth it.

After finishing my Commercial Pilot License training in late 2022, I have been fortunate and blessed to be able to join a major airline as a cadet pilot. For some, a decision they would never consider given circumstance, but for me a dream come true!

Knowledge and learning never stops in our line of work. There’s no best but only better in this practice.

For those of you out there with this burning passion, no matter you’re fully qualified, still in training or even planning on starting to pursue this beautiful career take these words and understand them.


We all will! Just NEVER EVER give up! And you’ll never regret all the effort and work you’ve put in.

After all, hard work surely pays off!

Keep the passion strong, keep the positive attitude and good luck to all my fellow aviators out there!

Apply for Pilot jobs now! 

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