By Seerat Arora 26 Jun 2024 6 min read

Do Pilots Get Drug Tested?

Pilots are responsible for the safety of passengers, crew, and cargo. Hence, they have to ensure safety by being fit to fly and, most importantly, ensure they are not under any influence that could hinder their ability to fly safely. So, do pilots get drug tested? Yes, as it is vital for the safety of every person onboard. 

The aviation industry depends on safety protocols and precautions, making it a highly regulated and checked sector worldwide. Authorities have set up strict guidelines and safety standards that must be followed for everybody’s safety. One of these regulations is focused on drug testing for pilots. But do pilots get drug tested, and if so, how often do pilots get drug tested? 

Let’s discuss everything about pilot drug testing and its procedures, regulations, and frequency.

1. How Frequently Do Pilots Get Drug Tested?

How often do pilots get drug tested? The frequency varies on factors like the chosen airline and the role of the pilot. For example, in the US, all pilots have to go through drug testing bi-yearly, and pilots flying for major and renowned airlines usually have random drug testing regularly. In most commercial flights, pilots undergo an alcohol test before every flight. These tests, whatever the type, are created to identify any alcohol or drugs present in the pilot’s system. 

In addition to these random drug tests, pilots are also tested in case of an incident or accident. These tests detect whether the pilot was under the influence when the incident happened and help understand the possible reasons behind the accident.

2. What Are The Types of Pilots and Their Drug Tests?

Pilots are divided into two major categories:

Part 91 Pilots:

Those who operate under Part 91 are not subjected to drug tests, but they still cannot operate an aircraft under the influence of alcohol or drugs, according to the regulations. Such pilots usually work in private pilot jobs or are part of organizations that don’t need drug tests.

Part 121 and 135 Pilots:

Under Part 121 or 135, pilots must undergo regular and random drug tests. Such pilots usually work for certified air carriers and are subject to drug testing by their employers. 
The type and frequency of drug testing varies according to the airline and the pilot’s role you choose. Some types of pilot drug testing are required, and they can be done using hair, urine, or blood. 

  • The most common way is through urine tests - they identify if any drugs are present in the body.
  • Hair tests uncover if any drugs have existed in the body for a long time.
  • And, blood tests identify the presence as well as determine the intoxication levels.

3. How Are Pilots Drug Tested?

The process of drug testing for pilots is similar to that for employees in other industries. During the tests, pilots have to provide a hair, blood, or urine sample according to the protocols, which will be used to check for the presence of any drugs, including prescription drugs, medications, and illegal substances. 

4. What if I Fail a Pilot Drug Test?

The consequences of failing a drug test are severe. It can result in pilot license revocation, suspension, or criminal charges. In some cases, the pilot might also be disciplinaryly taken against by their employer.

5. What is the Impact of Drug Usage on the Aviation Industry?

The usage of drugs can majorly impact the aviation industry. It can lead to impaired judgment in performing tasks of the aviation professional in question, which could compromise safety and lead to incidents or accidents in the air. In addition, the usage of drugs can also cause low productivity.

6. Why is Pilot Safety Important?

Pilot safety is the utmost priority in the aviation industry. Any distraction or impairment on the part of a pilot can have severe consequences, as they are entrusted with the safe travel of passengers and the transportation of cargo. The use of drugs can cause impaired judgment and huge mistakes while performing their duties, which can lead to safety hazards and accidents. 

7. What is the FAA’s Role in Drug Testing?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) plays an essential part in drug testing for pilots. Their rules and regulations are strictly implemented for the use of drugs and alcohol by pilots. The FAA is responsible for ensuring that pilots have cleared their tests to fly and are not under any substance’s influence that could mess with their ability to fly safely.

To earn a pilot certification, all pilots must undergo a particular medical examination, depending on the type of pilot license. This usually consists of a psychological and physical evaluation to ensure the pilot is fit to fly safely. Additionally, pilots can be randomly selected for drug testing.

The FAA also offers pilots and airlines whatever resources and guidance they require to ensure their safety and prevent drug use.

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Do pilots get drug tested? The answer is yes. The FAA has implemented strict rules and guidelines for pilot jobs to ensure pilot and passenger safety, mainly by ensuring the pilots are in perfect condition to fly and not influenced by any drugs or alcohol. 

How often do pilots get drug tested? There are a few types of pilot drug tests mentioned above, and the frequency of these tests depends on the kind of airline and pilot job. However, the main aim of these tests is to ensure everybody’s safety and to prevent incidents and accidents that can be caused by pilot improvement.  

Drug testing in aviation is all about safety, as safety is the industry's utmost priority. Making sure pilots aren’t under any drug or alcohol influence before flying can help in this process, leading to a declined risk of accidents, which will result in better passenger and crew safety.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What substances are tested for during drug screening?

A: Pilots are tested for several psychoactive substances to ensure safety in aviation. The commonly tested substances include:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates (e.g., heroin, morphine)
  • Amphetamines
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

Q2. What happens if a pilot refuses to take a drug test?

A: Refusing to take a drug test can lead to severe consequences for a pilot. Typically, such refusal is treated similarly to a positive test result, which can result in suspension or revocation of the pilot's license. Additionally, the pilot may face disciplinary actions from their employer, including immediate removal from flying duties and potential termination.

Q3. Can pilots be tested for drugs outside of their scheduled tests?

A: Pilots can be tested for drugs outside their scheduled tests. They are subject to random drug testing throughout their employment, meaning they may be selected for testing at any time without prior notice. Additionally, pilots can be tested if there is reasonable suspicion of drug use following an incident or accident.

Q4. What is the process for a pilot who tests positive for drugs?

A: If a pilot tests positive for drugs, the process typically involves:

  • Initial Screening: A urine sample is collected and tested for the presence of drugs.
  • Confirmatory Testing: If the initial test is positive, a confirmatory test is conducted using more sophisticated methods, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), to verify the results.
  • Evaluation by Medical Review Officer (MRO): The MRO assesses the results and may recommend counseling or rehabilitation if necessary. Depending on the circumstances, the pilot may also face disciplinary actions from their employer, including suspension or termination.

Q5. How does the testing process ensure fairness and accuracy?

The drug testing process for pilots is designed to ensure fairness and accuracy through several key measures:

  • Chain of Custody: Strict protocols are followed to maintain the sample's integrity from collection to testing, ensuring the process is tamper-proof.
  • Accredited Laboratories: Testing is conducted in government-approved or certified laboratories to guarantee that testing methods meet high standards of accuracy and reliability.
  • Two-Step Testing: The initial screening is followed by a confirmatory test, which helps to reduce the chances of false positives and ensures that only valid results are acted upon.
  • Qualified Personnel: Testing is performed by trained professionals, and the results are evaluated by qualified Medical Review Officers (MROs) who can provide context for the results and recommend appropriate actions.