By Seerat Arora 30 Sep 2024 8 min read

How to Get Drone License in India

Drones have emerged as a transformative technology across various sectors, from agriculture and construction to media and logistics. As the demand for skilled drone operators continues to rise, obtaining a drone pilot license in India has become essential for anyone looking to enter this dynamic field. This comprehensive guide will walk you through every step of the process of how to get drone license in India, ensuring you have all the information you need to successfully navigate your journey toward becoming a licensed drone pilot.

The use of drones in India is rapidly expanding, driven by advancements in technology and an increasing number of applications. Drones are now used for aerial photography, surveying land, monitoring crops, and even delivering goods. However, operating a drone legally requires adherence to specific regulations set forth by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Understanding how to get drone pilot license in India is crucial for aspiring pilots who wish to operate drones safely and legally.

What are the eligibility criteria for drone pilots in India?

Before going through how to get a drone license in India, it’s essential to understand the eligibility criteria established by the DGCA.

1. Age Requirements

How to get a drone license in India? To be eligible, you must be at least 18 years old. This age requirement ensures applicants have the maturity and responsibility to operate drones safely.

2. Educational Qualifications

The minimum educational qualification required is passing the 10th grade or an equivalent examination. This requirement ensures that pilots have basic literacy and numeracy skills, vital for understanding operational guidelines and safety protocols.

3. Medical Fitness

A medical certification is mandatory to ensure you are physically fit to operate a drone. This certification must be obtained from a DGCA-approved medical examiner. The assessment typically includes vision tests and general health evaluations. Being medically fit ensures your safety and enhances your ability to respond effectively during flight operations.

4. Required Documents

Once you meet the eligibility criteria, the next step is to gather the necessary documents for your application. Having all required documents ready will streamline the process and prevent any delays.

Identity Proof

You will need valid identity proof, which can include:

  • Aadhaar Card
  • Voter ID
  • Driving License
  • Passport

These documents confirm your identity and age and are crucial for establishing your eligibility.

Address Proof

You will also need to provide proof of address. Acceptable documents include utility bills, bank statements, or government-issued documents that display your current address. This helps verify your residence as part of the application process.

5. Drone Insurance

Having third-party liability insurance is crucial when applying for your license. This insurance protects you against potential damages caused by your drone during operations. When submitting your application, you must provide proof of insurance, demonstrating your commitment to responsible flying practices.

6. Training Certification

You must complete training from a DGCA-approved Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO). A certificate from such an organization is necessary to prove that you have undergone proper training and have the knowledge required for safe drone operation.

How to get drone license in India?

Training is a vital component of obtaining a drone pilot license in India. Here’s what you need to know about it:

1. Remote Pilot Training Organizations (RPTO)

The DGCA has authorized several RPTOs across India to provide training for aspiring drone pilots. These organizations offer comprehensive courses that cover both theoretical and practical aspects of drone operation. Choosing an RPTO the DGCA recognizes is essential to ensure your training meets regulatory standards.

2. Training Curriculum

The training curriculum typically includes:

  • Regulations: Understanding DGCA guidelines and legal requirements governing drone operations.
  • Safety Guidelines: Learning about safe flying practices, risk management strategies, and emergency procedures.
  • Technical Knowledge: Familiarize yourself with different types of drones, their functionalities, and maintenance requirements. Practical Skills: Hands-on training on operating drones effectively under various conditions.

This well-rounded curriculum prepares you for real-world scenarios as a licensed pilot.

How much does the drone pilot license cost in India?

The duration of the training program usually ranges from 5 to 8 days, depending on the RPTO you choose. The drone pilot license cost in India can vary significantly but generally falls between ₹30,000 and ₹1 lakh. Before deciding, comparing different organizations based on their course offerings, faculty expertise, and student reviews is advisable.

What is the licensing process for drone pilots?

How to get drone license in India? Once you've completed your training, it's time to navigate through the licensing process.

1. Unique Identification Number (UIN)

Before applying for a pilot license, register your drone with the DGCA and obtain a Unique Identification Number (UIN). This number is essential for tracking your drone's operations and ensuring compliance with regulations. The UIN serves as an identification mark for your drone during its operational life.

2. Unmanned Aircraft Operator Permit (UAOP)

How to get drone pilot license in India? If you plan to operate drones commercially—whether for photography, surveying, or delivery—you'll also need an Unmanned Aircraft Operator Permit (UAOP). This permit allows you to conduct commercial operations legally. The application process involves submitting documents detailing your operational plans, including information about the drones you'll use and their intended purposes.

3. Examinations

To obtain your drone pilot license, you must pass an examination conducted by the DGCA. The exam typically consists of two parts:

  • Theoretical Examination: Questions related to regulations, safety protocols, technical knowledge about drones, meteorology, navigation principles, etc.
  • Practical Assessment: A hands-on test where you'll demonstrate your flying skills under various conditions.

Passing both parts is essential for obtaining your Remote Pilot License (RPL).

4. Registration and Certification

The DGCA has launched the Digital Sky platform for online registration of drones and license applications. This user-friendly platform allows you to submit your application and track its status throughout the approval process.

5. Issuance of Remote Pilot License (RPL)

After successfully completing all steps—training, examinations, UIN registration—you will receive your Remote Pilot License (RPL). This license is valid for 10 years and can be renewed upon expiry by following similar procedures. Your RPL allows you to operate drones legally within India’s airspace while adhering to all regulatory guidelines.

Are there any restrictions and regulations to be followed?

Understanding restrictions is crucial for any aspiring drone pilot. 

1. No-Fly Zones

In India, certain areas are designated as no-fly zones where drone operations are prohibited. These include areas near airports, military installations, sensitive government buildings, and densely populated urban areas. Familiarizing yourself with these zones is essential not only for compliance but also for ensuring public safety.

2. Compliance with DGCA Guidelines

Adhering strictly to DGCA guidelines is vital for obtaining and maintaining your license throughout its validity period. Violating regulations can lead to penalties or even revocation of your license. Regularly updating yourself on any regulation changes will help ensure that you remain compliant at all times.

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What are the future prospects for Indian drone pilots?

With advancements in technology and government initiatives aimed at promoting drone usage across various sectors—such as agriculture, infrastructure monitoring, and logistics—the future looks promising for drone pilots in India.

The average drone pilot salary is approximately ₹5,00,000 to ₹10,00,000 (around $6,000 to $12,000) yearly in India, reflecting the growing market but lower pay scales.

The Indian government envisions making India a global hub for drones by 2030. This ambition will likely create numerous job opportunities in various fields related to UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). As more industries adopt drone technology, UAV drone pilot jobs are expected to grow significantly in this field. Here are some potential career paths:

  • Agricultural Monitoring: Using drones with sensors and cameras to monitor crop health and optimize farming practices.
  • Aerial Photography: Capturing stunning images or videos for real estate listings, events like weddings or corporate functions.
  • Surveying: Conducting land surveys using drones equipped with specialized cameras or LiDAR systems.
  • Logistics: Assisting in delivery services through drone technology; companies are exploring using drones for last-mile deliveries.
  • Emergency Services: Supporting search-and-rescue missions or disaster response efforts using aerial surveillance capabilities.

These roles offer competitive salaries and allow you to work at the forefront of technological innovation while contributing positively to various industries.


How to get drone license in India? Obtaining a drone pilot license in India involves several steps, from meeting eligibility criteria and completing training programs to passing examinations and registering with regulatory authorities. While there may be costs involved, such as training fees and insurance, the potential rewards in terms of career opportunities make it worthwhile.

As drones continue revolutionizing various industries in India—from agriculture monitoring to aerial photography—now is an excellent time to pursue this exciting career path, whether you're interested in capturing breathtaking aerial shots or optimizing agricultural practices through data collection via UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), getting certified as a drone pilot opens up numerous avenues for professional growth.

So gear up! Complete your training program diligently; obtain all necessary certifications; adhere strictly to regulations; stay updated on industry trends—and take flight into this promising field! Your journey toward becoming a licensed drone pilot starts now!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I operate drones commercially without a license?

A: No, you cannot operate drones commercially without a valid Remote Pilot License (RPL) and an Unmanned Aircraft Operator Permit (UAOP). The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) mandates that all commercial drone operators obtain these licenses to ensure safety and compliance with regulations. Operating without a license can lead to severe penalties, including fines and confiscation of the drone.

Q2: How can I stay updated on regulations regarding drone operations?

A: To stay informed about the latest regulations regarding drone operations in India, you can:

  • Regularly check the DGCA's official website for updates and announcements.
  • Subscribe to newsletters or follow social media channels related to aviation and drone technology.
  • Join online forums or communities focused on drones where members share insights and updates.

These resources will help you remain compliant with evolving regulations.

Q3: Is there any ongoing training required after obtaining my license?

A: While no ongoing training is required after obtaining your Remote Pilot License, it is highly recommended that you engage in refresher courses or workshops periodically. This will help you stay updated on new regulations, advancements in drone technology, and best practices for safe operation. Continuous learning can enhance your skills and ensure compliance with changing laws.

Q4: What types of drones can I operate with a Remote Pilot License?

A: With a Remote Pilot License (RPL), you can operate various types of drones, including:

  • Multi-rotor drones: Commonly used for aerial photography and surveying.
  • Fixed-wing drones: Typically used for longer flights and larger areas.
  • Hybrid drones: Combining features of both multi-rotor and fixed-wing designs.

Knowing the regulations governing each type of drone is essential, as the drone's specific weight category may impose additional requirements or restrictions.

Q5: Are there any specific skills required to become a successful drone pilot?

A: Yes, several skills are essential for becoming a successful drone pilot:

  • Technical proficiency: Understanding drone mechanics, software, and maintenance.
  • Good spatial awareness: Ability to navigate and control the drone effectively.
  • Problem-solving skills: Quick thinking to troubleshoot issues during flight.
  • Knowledge of regulations: Familiarity with DGCA guidelines and airspace regulations.

Developing these skills will enhance your capability as a drone pilot and ensure safe operations.

Q6: Can I use my foreign training certification to apply for an RPL in India?

A: Generally, foreign training certifications are not accepted for obtaining a Remote Pilot License (RPL) in India unless the DGCA recognizes them. To ensure compliance with Indian regulations, you will likely need to undergo training from a DGCA-approved Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO) within India.
