We caught up with our partner, Cabin Crew Wings, to discover how Cabin Crew can make the most of their layovers. This is what they said…
“Following on from our article from last month, Step Fifteen – Managing Relationships with Colleagues, this month we’re focusing on something a bit more fun, how to make the most of your layovers!
It’s been a difficult time for crew and airlines, and it may feel like things will never be the same again. They may not be back to ‘normal’ for some time, but things will get better, and people will travel again! So look to the future, and what attracted you to becoming Cabin Crew in the first instance.
Travel opportunities and the chance to explore your destination on layovers are two of the biggest Cabin Crew perks that attract people to the career. The only problem is, sometimes you don’t have an awful lot of free time to play with on your layover.
So how can you make the most of the situation? Read on for our tips!
Plan Ahead!
Spend a bit of time researching your destination and what it has to offer. It may sound obvious but you can plan your time much more effectively if you do your homework!
- Figure out how to get to where you want to go. Find out about the ins and outs of getting around on public transport, or whether you’d be better off walking or even hiring a bicycle or vehicle!
- Research the opening and closing times of the places that you want to go and plan accordingly.
- Print out some detailed maps and directions before you leave, or save this info on the maps app in your phone, to have on hand and keep you right!
- If you’re planning on checking out your location as a group get your fellow crew-members on board and plan together.
However, if you have really different interests from the rest of the group it might be worth spending at least part of the time doing your own thing, to help to make sure that you spend your limited time seeing what it is that you want to see – not being polite and tagging along seeing things you’re really not into!
Think About Jet Lag
If you’re flying long-haul it’s important to think about how the jet lag might impact you, particularly if you want to make the most of your time!
You need to try to adjust your routine to the ‘local’ bedtime, and try to avoid napping if possible when you get off the plane!
Some of the best tips to beat jet lag are:
- Stay hydrated! Avoid too much caffeine and alcohol, and stick to water!
- Do some exercise as soon as possible when you arrive – going for a walk in the sunlight can be a great booster!
- Have a cold shower when you get to your hotel – if you’re brave enough
Some people also find that supplements such as melatonin can help them to move into a new sleeping pattern, or if they have to go to bed slightly earlier than normal using an eye mask to keep things as dark as possible!
Prioritise, and Manage Your Expectations!
A short layover is simply not going to be long enough to see all the major sights in a city. It’s best to not try to overdo it, and prioritise what it is that you want to see most.
Make a list of the top few attractions you want to see, in order of preference! If you only have a few hours, go and see the one you want to see most. If you have a day or two, schedule one or two attractions per day.
It’s better to have enough time to enjoy seeing the things you want to see than to plan too much and end up stressed, tired and disappointed!
Be a Tourist!
You might not want to be lumbered with the ‘tourist’ tag on holiday, and be aching to be independent and see the ‘real’ side of your destination. However, don’t overlook the usefulness of a tour!
Tourist buses can be a cost effective and useful way to get around the biggest attractions a city has to offer, and you generally have the convenience of being able to hop on or off as you like.
If you do your research you can often also find some great walking tours (or even more quirky tours on things like boats, bikes or even Segways!) many of which do venture off the beaten path. You can pick up some really interesting facts and stories from these too if you have a good guide!
Think about your layover as a preview. After all, Cabin Crew do get great discounts and offers on tickets (as well as the opportunity to fly on a standby basis if seats are available) so if you like the destination you’re due to be on a layover on, there will be an opportunity to return.
Take a look at some of our real life Cabin Crew tips on getting the most out of layovers, and more, in our blog!
Next Steps
What’s stopping you from thinking about a Cabin Crew Career? We look at some of the top ‘myths’ that all too often put people off of applying – and bust them!”
Check back on our blog in November for Step Seventeen – Cabin Crew Myths Busted!
Who is Cabin Crew Wings?
We provide expert-led training courses to help people fulfil their dream of becoming Cabin Crew. With both online and in-person course options, we teach everything you need to know about the job, lifestyle, industry, and above all, how to succeed in the recruitment process.
Our team of flight attendants and psychologists have created fun and interactive training to provide behind-the-scenes insights into the job and the behaviours airlines are looking for. We make sure you deliver a stand-out performance at assessment day and are selected to join the airline of your choice.
Our website is also jam-packed with useful tips about the selection process as well as real-life Cabin Crew stories.