Our training philosophy firstly aims, to enable the Aspire Pilots to build a sound level of knowledge which will remain with them throughout their Pilot careers, and secondly to achieve excellent exam results.
The Modular / Long Distance ATPL course offers a great flexibility to study towards your frozen ATPL. This course must be completed before commencing your CPL MEIR (Commercial Pilot License with Multi-Engine Instrument Rating). We are proud to say that our Training Team has a vast experience in aviation industry and is considered to be one of the most experienced Team in Europe
DURATION 6 months
18 years of age EASA PPL (A) ICAO ELPAC Level 4 Class 1 medical certificate (recommended)
Ground Training Air Law Aircraft General Knowledge (Airframe/Systems/Power plant) Aircraft General Knowledge (Instrumentation) Mass and Balance Performance Flight Planning and Monitoring Human Performance Meteorology General Navigation Radio Navigation Operational Procedures Principles of Flight VFR Communications IFR Communications