EWIS Target Groups 6-8
Cloud Aero

EWIS Target Groups 6-8

EWIS Target Groups 6-8
Mode of learning
Mechanical Engineer
8 Hours
Tuition fees
£ 35


    EWIS - Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems

    EWIS courses comply with AMC 20-22; EWIS for Groups 1&2 is for B2s, Full B1s and wiring technicians. All other maintenance staff need EWIS for Groups 3 - 5.

    We offer 3 EWIS courses. Each one combines the requirements for the Groups named, where there is very little difference in the requirements for those Groups:

    1. EWIS for Groups 1 & 2 - B2, full B1*, avionic technicians performing wiring work. B2 Inspectors.
    2. EWIS for Groups 3 - 5 - All other maintenance staff and inspectors working on aircraft and  This means all, including painters, seat technicians etc.
    3. EWIS for Groups 6, 7 & 8 - Handling staff, fuellers, loaders, cleaners, pilots, cabin staff.


    * Although AMC 20-22 includes B1 in the examples of Group 4 staff, it is generally agreed that full B1s are in Group 1.  B1s with electrical limitations are in Group 4.

    Each course covers the EASA syllabus (AMC 20-22) for its Target Group comprehensively. The course for Groups 1 and 2 is in 2 Parts to cover the large volume of material needed.

    Group 1 (only) students must complete a Practical Module G. We provide a task sheet which a student can get signed up in any Part 145 organisation, to satisfy Module G requirements for demonstrating competence on typical connectors.

    If you have any questions on this course please get in touch.
