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                B1.1 Licensed Engineer CRJ 900-1000
                B1.1 Licensed Engineer CRJ 900-1000 ConnectAir
                Copenhagen, Denmark
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                A320 MOC Engineer - Hungary contract
                A320 MOC Engineer - Hungary contract Baseline Aviation Services
                Budapest, Hungary
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                26 days ago
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                Frequently asked questions

                B1.1 licensed engineers are primarily associated with maintaining or working with airplanes with turbine engines. These engines are commonly referred to as jet engines or combustion turbines. The job of the engineers is to carry out the inspection, repair, and maintenance work for fixed-wing airplanes that operate through turbine engines.

                The main difference between these categories of aircraft maintenance engineers is that the B1.1 engineers work with airplanes with turbine engines while the B1.2 engineers do repair and maintain airplanes with piston engines. The licenses awarded to these two kinds of engineers are based on their expertise and experience of working on different aircraft.

                The average monthly and yearly earnings for b1.1 licensed engineer jobs depend on the employer, working hours, and other factors. Experienced professionals earn pretty well and are entitled to many benefits, even the entry-level positions have good salary packages. So, if you want to pursue your career in aircraft maintenance engineering, there are promising prospects for a bright future.

                For obtaining a license from EASA, there are certain requirements that include relevant knowledge and experience. If you have a passion to work with aircraft and want to build your career in the aviation industry, getting the B1.1 licence will not be difficult. Interview phase is also important and you need to know How to answer ‘What can you bring to this role?’ For recently advertised engineering job posts, check Aviation Job Search!

                It can take up to 6 years to get a B1 category license. You have to study Mechanics and Avionics and get industry experience to give module examinations and gather the license certificates, the whole process can take from 5-6 years and more. Pursuing the path as an aircraft maintenance engineer requires dedication and time and is worth it.

                EASA’s Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML), Category B1.1 (aircraft), allows the holder of an Aircraft Maintenance Licence to issue certifications for release to service after maintenance, including power plants, mechanical and electrical systems. It is also permissible to authorize the replacement of avionic line replaceable units (LRUs), which requires only simple tests to verify their serviceability.

                A B1.1 means you’ll be dealing with the mechanical aspects of an aircraft. And not just any aircraft; if you’ve been hired for a B1.1 licensed engineer job, then you’ll be responsible for the maintenance and repairs of turbine-powered aircraft. 

                That depends on which aspect are you looking from? What we mean is that if you like working with your hands and are interested in aircraft, you will enjoy the work and not find it difficult. However, if you are looking at it from a pure work point of view, then yes, there are long work hours involved; you might be required to work in shifts and in different postures, i.e., standing, sitting, lying down, and crouching.

                You need to have an interest in engineering and working with your hands. If you like figuring out problems, puzzles and have a knack for troubleshooting, you’ll do just fine. As a B1.1 Licensed Engineer, you’ll be dealing with turbine-based aircraft and will need to ensure they’re working optimally, and that will require some problem-solving skills.

                Yes, you can. Progression and going up the ladder is possible in most companies. As with most other things, it requires hard work, skill, and the right attitude and aptitude. You might become the senior engineer, team lead, trainer, or even head of a department. If you are willing to put in the work while gaining other skills, you can definitely progress up the corporate ladder or engineering ladder in this case.


                B1.1 Licensed Engineer Job Description

                B1.1 licensed engineers are required to perform all the maintenance work as instructed by the chief engineer. They have to make sure that all the assigned tasks are completed within the mentioned timelines. Comprehending the engineering diagrams and manuals is in the b1.1 licensed engineer job description. The engineers have to perform their duties adhering to the safety rules and regulations. They have to create a detailed report of the defects and devise a repair or replacement solution accordingly. Doing a thorough inspection of the jet engines and collaborating with other team members to get a task done is also what these engineers do. 

                B1.1 Licensed Engineer Job Responsibilities

                The prime responsibility of B1.1 licensed engineers is carrying out maintenance activities and operation in accordance with the maintenance manual or instructions. The daily duties include keeping an updated worksheet and passing it on to the team leader along with maintenance information. They also have to verify that the parts that are being replaced are of a certain quality. They also ensure that all the work is done considering the safety standards of an organisation. The B1.1 licensed engineers can be asked to manage the inventory and submit the inspection sheet to the chief engineer. Explore aircraft maintenance engineering jobs in the UK on Aviation Job Search!

                Skills Required to Build a B1.1 Licensed Engineer Career 

                For pursuing b1.1 licensed engineer careers, you need to have attention to detail. Managing different tasks and the ability to work under pressure are required for this role. Organising and time management skills are also a must for the position as you have to perform the tasks within the mentioned timelines following the set procedures or maintenance manual. Interpersonal skills are essential for the job along with the flexibility to work in shifts and under supervision. B1.1 licensed engineers can be asked to work in the evening or other shifts, so they have to be adaptable to the working hours and environment. 

                Working Conditions at a B1.1 Engineer Job

                An average B1.1 Engineer works 40 hours a week. Sometimes, deadlines and urgent aircraft repairs can put extra pressure on a job. Engineers can work long hours and experience high levels of stress. While there are times they are working indoors, that is not a given; they might have to work on the tarmac, outside of a hanger, and at other locations if there is an AOG situation. They might also work in areas with cooling or heating, such as warehouses. They are often exposed to noises and loud sounds that they find uncomfortable. Other protective gear may be worn if necessary.

                A Sample Role Summary of a B1.1 Engineer Job

                You are a self-motivated and competent B1 Engineer to use your knowledge within the Aircraft engineering setting for all maintenance activities, scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, according to the needs of our customers. As the supervisor, mentor, and delegate of resources for the team, you will be responsible to handle any and all situations, ensuring that the operation runs smoothly while meeting Part-145 maintenance requirements, internal processes, and procedures, as well as our SLAs for customers. Safety and quality are your top priorities, and you will adhere to Health & Safety procedures while working. You must keep your aircraft maintenance within the company’s approved limits. At the same time, you will drive the company by upholding the highest engineering standards and practices—as a team to provide defect rectification, investigation, repair, overhaul, and modifications. Simply put, you will be a role model for others and uphold our culture and values.


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