6 passes in G.C.E. O/L (Local or London) including 4 Credit passes (or equivalent), with credits for Mathematics, Science and English in one sitting except the Credit Pass for English which may be obtained in any sitting.
02 years or more experience as an Aircraft Technician in pressurized turbine aircraft used in commercial operations and also, should have a minimum of six months active aircraft maintenance experience during the last 24 months.
Successful completion of an approved course specified below:
a) A CAASL IS 147 or EASA Part 147 approved full-time basic aircraft maintenance course in category B1.1 or B2, conducted by a CAASL IS 147 or EASA Part 147 approved Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO).
b) A full-time basic aircraft maintenance course approved by the competent authority of an ICAO member state and conducted by an organization approved by such authority, in categories B1.1 or B2. If the categories defined by the member state are different, such courses may be accepted only after review of the course outline by SriLankan Engineering Quality
c) A full-time basic and advance aircraft maintenance course (related to the specific trade applied for) conducted by an Aeronautical Military school. Such course is accepted only after review of the course outline by SriLankan Engineering Quality.
NOTE: Grade will be decided based on the number of years of experience as an Aircraft Technician and candidates’ performance at the interview.
The upper age limit should be 50 years as at the date of submission of the application.
Should be a Sri Lankan Citizen
Employment will be offered on fixed term contract.
Influencing will be a reflection of unsuitability.
We are an equal-opportunity Organization.
Please note that we will correspond with you in the event your application is shortlisted for consideration.