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Deputy Station Manager Aviation Security

Bristol, England, United Kingdom
71 days ago

Job Description

Established in 1987, ICTS UK specialises in the provision of integrated security and customer services within the most demanding environments. Applying our unique concept, ICTS works with a wide variety of organisation types including major public attractions, leisure, financial retail, public sector, transport and government bodies. During this time, we have considered ourselves privileged to serve in such a fluid and dynamic field.

We are now seeking to hire a Deputy Station Manager to work on our prestigious contract at Bristol Airport.

The Station Manager is responsible for the overall running and performance of the company’s operation at Bristol Airport and ensuring that all regulatory and contractual requirements are adhered to. The Deputy Station Manager will work closely with the Station Manager providing the necessary support to ensure all regulatory, operational and contractual requirements are met.


 Operational Responsibility

§To ensure the delivery of ICTS services in line with contractual and regulatory requirements

§Work collaboratively with both operational and support staff

§Oversee the professional standard of the station and ensure specified procedures are adhered to

§To ensure the safe delivery of operations at the station through leading a safety-first culture and approach

§Deliver and promote positive employee engagement, being visible and accessible to the teams thus ensuring effective communication

§To comply with all requirements of security and the Security Management System

§To ensure the Station Manager is always informed of all business-critical issues, such that quality, safety and financial performance is delivered and maintained

Professional and Service Standards

  • Provide guidance and support for direct reports and management team
  • Effectively delegate tasks where and when required
  • To act within the authorities set out by the Station Manager and the company’s working procedures
  • To carry out any other duties as directed by the Station Manager

Client/Customer Responsibility

  • Regular liaison with the client to ensure high levels of contractual compliance and client satisfaction.
  • Implement any changes to task to be carried out that the customer may reasonably request and inform the Station Manager immediately of these changes
  • Relate effectively with the customer making sure that reasonable requests are completed, and that any customer complaints are fully investigated and responded to in a timely fashion
  • Ensure any new business opportunities within the Station are fully explored and developed


  • Leadership – Leads by example, motivates others, makes decisions, initiates action, takes responsibility
  • Communication and influencing – establishes communication channels, actively listens, clarifies, gives/seeks feedback, clear and concise, persuasive/negotiates with others
  • People Management – fosters team/individual performance, achieves results, sets targets and reviews against them, leads, motivates and empowers others, deals with issues, coaches and encourages others
  • Task focussed as well as people centred
  • Ability to focus on direct areas of responsibility whilst also able to act in interests of broader operating divisions
  • Ability to work openly and collaboratively at all levels with multiple stakeholders
  • Organisational skills – plans well in advance, sets clear objectives, manages time/delegates, reviews progress against plan, ensures sufficient resources, encourages improvements,
  • Commercial and Financial awareness – effective financial management, maximises use of resources, identifies and delivers business growth opportunities
  • Results orientation – satisfies internal/external customers, effective performance management, addresses cross functional issues and technical issues, knowledge of systems and processes
  • Interpersonal skills – builds positive relationships, demonstrates emotionally stability, confident in own ability, approachable to all staff, shows respect and tolerance
  • Values – lives and endorses the company values


  • Previous experience working in an Aviation Security environment at minimum of senior supervisory level
  • Excellent communication skills – both oral and written
  • Track record of ability to work under pressure in dynamic work environment
  • Flexibility according to operational needs
  • Good administration skills
  • Computer literate (Word and Excel)
  • Experience of directly managing a team.

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