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Flight Instructor MD-530G

Kluang, Johor, Malaysia
517 days ago



Redstone Technologies is seeking fully qualified MD-530G Instructor Pilots (IP) to provide efficient, effective, knowledge-based classroom and flight training services, and instruction, in support of a foreign government’s requirements.  The purpose of this training is to strengthen Multi-National Partner Nations Aviation Forces skillsets to successfully perform mission requirements. IPs will provide flight training focused on approved Multinational training for the member countries with the skills required to meet their requirements. The instructors will perform as IP’s and Evaluators.


Position Requirements


Required Education

  • High School Diploma
  • Professional Flight Education


Desired Education (in addition to Required Education):

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Master’s Degree


Required Experience:

  • 1,000 Rotary Wing Flight Hours
  • 500 Pilot in Command Hours
  • IPs must have prior experience in the MD-530F or G
  • 100 Instructor Pilot Hours in type (any type 369)
  • Previous Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Instructor Experience


Desired Experience (in addition to Required Experience):

  • Former aviation flight training experience with foreign forces
  • Former unit training (collective training) experience
  • Former SIP or Evaluator Experience
  • Former or Current Instrument Examiner Experience


Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA’s)

  • Ability and aptitude to conduct all academic, ground-based hands-on, and in-flight training.
  • Able to gather, maintain, and present, upon demand, qualifying documents and certificates that demonstrate or record professional experience.
  • Knowledge of, and Skills to teach the subjects which follow. Base Aircrew Training Manual 1000***** series Task (MD-530F or G) and NVG Refresher assessments, Multi-Ship, Long Range Navigation training, and Landing Zone (LZ)/Pick up Zone (PZ) operations, Basic aircraft Tactics, Environmental Flight operations (Brown out, White Out, etc), Urban Operations, tactical approaches in urban environments, Fast Rope Insertion/Extraction with Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) in Urban Environments, Engagement Techniques (Running, Diving, Stationary, "Bump"), Advance Tactics, Academics and planning factors for multi-ship and urban operations, Forward Area Refuel, Integrated Artillery fires, and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)< operations, Vehicle Interdiction, Ground Special Operations Forces Integration in aviation operations
  • Demonstrated Student Management skills
  • Ability to deploy to and train in the INDOPACOM theater
  • Ability to meet all USINDOPACOM medical requirements for deployed contractors


Desired Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA’s)

  • Institutional Courseware Development


Required Certifications and Licenses

  • Commercial Pilot certificate with Instrument Privileges
  • Class II Medical Certificate (FAA or EASA)
  • Documentation of Instructor Pilot course graduation, or Certified Flight Instructor Certificate
  • US Driving License


Desired Certifications and Licenses

  • Commercial Pilot Certificate with Instrument Privileges
  • Type rating in the relevant type
  • EU member nation driving license


Required Nationality

  • US, or NATO Member country citizenship required (Some exceptions may be considered based on experience)



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