Pyka is looking for a flight operations specialist to support the development and commercial deployments of its advanced autonomous aircraft. You will execute customer facing operations at different locations across Brazil and train and support our customers as they operate the aircraft. This is your opportunity to test, evaluate and deploy the aircraft of the future.
This role is based in Brazil and you will be expected to support customer sites primarily in the state of Mato Grosso.
This is a multidisciplinary role that interacts with internal and external organizations, so written and verbal communication skills are critical. You will be instrumental in ensuring the standardization of aircraft ground and flight operations and procedures, instructional techniques, as well as informing the evolution of the product itself. This role will be a 6 month contract with a possibility of renewal.
About Pyka
Pyka’s goal is to provide society with a new form of safe, clean, and cost-effective transportation enabled by autonomous electric aviation.
To get there, we’re taking a different approach than most. We're applying our technologies to every industry where autonomous electric aircraft can be useful, starting with the highest value and most dangerous jobs. In doing so, we're building game-changing products manufactured at scale, while perfecting the safety, reliability, and capabilities of our autonomy engine and electric propulsion systems.
We design, develop and manufacture an ecosystem of technologies including proprietary flight control software, avionics, high power density motors, motor controllers, batteries, and custom carbon-fiber composite airframes.
Today, we supply autonomous electric aircraft for cargo transport and crop protection to real-world customers across four separate continents and have secured industry-first regulatory approvals from the FAA.
Our cargo aircraft enables remote connectivity, enhances express delivery networks, and ensures fast and reliable shipping of critical supplies to areas in need. Our crop protection aircraft offers agricultural services providers and farmers an autonomous tool to make aerial application safer, more precise, and less harmful to surrounding environments. Both vehicles are highly economical to operate, easy to deploy, and significantly reduce C02 emissions in their respective industries.
What you work on at Pyka makes people’s lives better now and brings the future of electric aviation one step closer each day.
Preferred Qualifications
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Air & Space Operations Specialist (Flight Operations), Space in BrazilSimilar jobs
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