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G650 Captain

Jet Aviation AG
Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong
13 hours ago - Be the first to apply
Since 1967, Jet Aviation has been crafting flight in its smoothest form. From one hangar in Basel, Switzerland, to some 4,000 employees, and some 50 locations worldwide. Aircraft Management, Aircraft Sales, Charter, Completions, Defence, FBO, Fixed and Rotary Wing Maintenance, and Staffing. Behind every seamless Jet Aviation experience, is a team of dedicated professionals perfecting the art of flight. The artisans of aviation. The craft that brings our customers’ journey to life. In the hangar, on the ground, and behind the scenes. Enabling global flight, with passion.
In order to reinforce the team in Hong Kong we are currently recruiting for a
G650 Captain (Hong Kong based)

Position Summary: 

We are seeking a professional, flexible, dynamic and motivated G650 Captain for a permanent contract. We need a great communicator coupled with an enthusiasm and a passion to deliver our client the best possible flight experience.

  • Ensure that the safety of all crew members, passengers and cargo onboard
  • Ensure that all operational procedures and checklists are complied with in accordance with the provisions of the Operations Manual FOM
  • Ensure that all crew members occupy their stations prior to take-off, final approach and landing
  • Not permit any crew member to perform any activity during take-off, initial climb, final approach and landing except those for duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft
  • Not allow any flight data and/or cockpit voice recorder to be disabled or erased, unless data needs to be conserved for the investigation of an incident or accident and would otherwise automatically be erased
  • Coordinate the work distribution within the flight crew to obtain a maximum of good airmanship for the conduct of the flight
  • Ensure precise navigation and observation of minimum altitudes
  • Observe the limitations of all aircraft systems and ensure the proper use and handling of the aircraft
  • Enforce the strict use of checklists
  • Ensure that the amount of usable fuel remaining suffices to proceed to an airport where a safe landing can be made, with final reserve fuel remaining
  • Maintain close contact with the cabin crew in order to ensure that all requirements concerning cabin safety are being followed
  • Ensure that the flight and technical logs are completed
  • File written occurrence and accident reports if the necessity arises
  • Maintain familiarity with relevant aviation regulations, JBJH/JBJS operations manual and agreed aviation practices to fulfill his function.
  • Maintain a high standard of discipline, conduct and appearance as a representative of the company
  • Comply with the regulations contained in the Operations Manual (FOM) and the Air Navigation Order (ANO)
  • Ensure that all passengers are briefed on the location of emergency exits and the location and use of relevant safety and emergency equipment
  • Represent Jet Aviation as one company internally and externally with industry groups, regulatory bodies and the General Dynamics network
  • Current on type G650
  • Good communication skills 
  • 500 hours on type
  • AOC Operation
  • Must be willing to relocate to Hong Kong
If you are interested in a multicultural, challenging and innovative working environment and your profile matches our requirements, we are looking forward to receiving your online application (cover letter, CV).

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