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Integrated Avionics Attack Control Systems Maint.

Spectrum Technical Services
Riyadh, Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia
388 days ago

Removes, aligns, installs, harmonizes, boresights and conducts check outs of line replaceable units of integrated avionic instrument and flight control system.

Inspect integrated avionic instrument and flight control systems.


Knowledge of theory of operation of electric and mechanical principles: Theory and application of instrument systems, flight data recorder systems, automatic flight controls, navigation


Positions available at various locations in-Kingdom
Home Leave Ticket Stipend paid monthly with base salary.
Positions at various locations throughout the Kingdom
Shared Accommodations in a secure compound.
Transportation to and from work provided by the company.
Medical, dental and optical insurance provided by the company.
30 days annual paid vacation (2.5 Days Per Month)
12 paid holidays (5 Ramadan, 5 Hijjah, 1 Founding Day and 1 National Day)
End of Service Award (½ month salary for each year of service
This is an ITAR approved and licensed program as determined by the appropriate agencies.

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