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Global Crossing Airlines
Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida
Full time
16 hours ago - Be the first to apply

The Loadmaster/Loading Supervisor is responsible for:


• Directing and supervising the loading and offloading of the aircraft.

• Maintain cargo handling equipment, systems, and appliances that support a safe operation.

• Reviewing the location of any missing restraint (Beartrap, side lock, etc.) and advising maintenance for any corrections.

• Physically verifying that all voided/unusable loading positions, both on the main deck and lower deck, are in the locked/up position (secured to prevent movement of ULD both forward and aft).

• Preparing or supervising the operations of cargo weight and balance documents related to the operation of the flight, including determining any limitations resulting from a missing or inoperative cargo handling/restraint system and their components.

• Confirming load and proper ULD contour.

• Ensuring ULDs for loading are properly tagged and labeled.

• Confirming proper tie-down as per the aircraft and STC manufacturers' Weight and Balance Manuals and Special Loading instructions.

• Determining the serviceability: pallet, container, nets, and straps should be examined by the Loading Supervisor for gouges, depressions, delaminated panels, cracked edge rails, bowing, and missing corners and rivets to meet Company requirements and standards.

• Calculating the weight and balance and restraint of cargo and signing the load manifest.

• Accepting and handle Hazmat and frangible load requirements.

• Operating and supervising aircraft cargo handling system.

• Supervising proper ULD build-up.

• Ensuring the weight of cargo loaded aboard the airplane is accurate.

• Ensuring Anti-Tipping procedures are being utilized.

• Visually inspecting the Aircraft for possible damage caused by ground support equipment.

• Taking paperwork to the cockpit, including the Load Plan, Load Manifest, and Hazardous Materials Notification (when applicable).

• Signing appropriate Load Planning Sheet after loading completed verifying that the aircraft was loaded according to the Load Planning Sheet and I/A/W Company loading requirements, and that all locks, in the pallet positions, are properly installed and in the pallet locked

position. The original copy of form will be returned to the Cargo Operations Agent for the Company principal base of operation or down line destination, as applicable, file and a signed copy will be given to the crew. This will be placed with the trip paperwork which must also include at a minimum, the flight release, airworthiness release, pilot route certification and the completed flight plan that the PIC is responsible for obtaining. Additional information for the required trip paperwork can be found in the FOM 14 CFR 121.697(a)(1), 121.697(a)(2), 121.697(a)(3), 121.697(a)(4), 121.697(a)(5)

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